Weingart Tower 1 KNX News and Audacy feature 

Thank you to KNX News and Audacy for featuring Weingart Tower 1 and its upcoming opening!

We’re thrilled to finally open Weingart Tower 1, where we will provide permanent supportive housing, common areas, art rooms, a café, and wrap-around services. Weingart Tower 1 will empower those experiencing homelessness and improve the Skid Row neighborhood.

I was deeply honored to be interviewed and share my excitement for this new development.

Jericho Kilpatrick

I am a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I began my career in the Creative Arts in 1994. I have served as Communications Director, Creative Director, Chief Creative Officer, and Gallery Director at various agencies and organizations.



Los Angeles’s Homelessness Count is Down


Weingart Tower 1’s feature on the LA Times