Challenges of Men and Women Experiencing Homelessness

Surviving homelessness isn’t a generic struggle; it’s nuanced and gender-specific.

Women, in particular, face a heightened risk of abuse and exploitation due to unstable situations. On the other hand, men experience homelessness at a significantly higher rate and face a scarcity of available beds and shelters.

Homelessness requires a multifaceted approach, which is why the Weingart Center focuses on offering comprehensive services and experts who can provide the unique care and attention each person needs to turn their life around.

Learn more about these challenges on the Weingart Center’s blog:

Jericho Kilpatrick

I am a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I began my career in the Creative Arts in 1994. I have served as Communications Director, Creative Director, Chief Creative Officer, and Gallery Director at various agencies and organizations.

2023 Weingart Center Success


Weingart Center broke ground on LA's largest permanent supportive housing development