2023 Weingart Center Success

The Weingart Center brought several interim and permanent supportive housing developments online last year. We’re proud to have these housing models work in tandem to empower those unhoused.

In 2023, we created two more sites of interim housing: LA Grand and Vagabond. They make up more than 500 units altogether. We also launched 11010 smB, a 51-unit permanent supportive housing development that serves seniors and senior Veterans.

Currently in development are multiple permanent supportive housing sites totaling over 770 units. Those sites include Homekey Norwalk, 600 San Pedro, Weingart Tower 1, The Weingart Greenleaf, and The Weingart Willows.

Our footprint in developments that uplift those experiencing homelessness is increasing. Stay updated on developments because there’s more to come.

Jericho Kilpatrick

I am a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I began my career in the Creative Arts in 1994. I have served as Communications Director, Creative Director, Chief Creative Officer, and Gallery Director at various agencies and organizations.



The Weingart Primrose will soon bring housing and services to over 100 Angelenos.


Challenges of Men and Women Experiencing Homelessness