A Multipronged Approach to Solve Homelessness: Homeless Shelters & Other Housing Solutions

Homelessness cannot be solved by a single solution. It requires a multi-modal approach. It’s critical to have multiple housing solutions that align with where people are in their lives. A person who needs immediate shelter from harsh weather or other conditions can go to a homeless shelter. In contrast, a person who has secured a job and needs a home they can afford will benefit from an affordable housing program.

There are four main types of housing solutions: homeless shelters, interim housing, permanent supportive housing, and affordable housing, each serving a specific purpose.

1) Homeless Shelter

Homeless shelters provide temporary emergency sleeping spaces and meals for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. People who need a place to stay may be referred to a homeless shelter by an agency, a social worker, or even a doctor. Some homeless shelters also offer job training programs and drug rehabilitation programs.

2) Interim Housing

Interim housing provides short-term temporary living arrangements for people experiencing homelessness while they search for more permanent housing options. While interim housing tends to be temporary in nature, it can last anywhere from several months to years depending on the needs of each individual client. Complete wraparound services along with mental health services are offered in interim housing.

3) Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing is designed to help people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing them with permanent, affordable housing. With permanent supportive housing, a person may case management and other comprehensive support services such as medical and mental healthcare, job training and education, and more.

4) Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is a program that helps low-income individuals or families find stable housing by subsidizing the cost of rent or mortgages. This can be done through public housing programs, vouchers for private rentals, or other initiatives like tax breaks for developers who build affordable units.

Housing is critical in helping people get off the streets, but it's not enough. We need to build housing and provide services that meet people where they are in their lives to help them build a foundation. I'm proud that the Weingart Center offers comprehensive wraparound services to help our clients achieve their goals. From housing and mental health services to employment training, there is no substitute for a holistic approach to helping our clients achieve self-sufficiency.

If you have questions about housing, the Weingart Access Center has an array of resources available. To schedule an appointment with one of our Access Center associates, You can call (213) 833-5020 (Mon-Fri, 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM) or email accesscenter1@weingart.org

Jericho Kilpatrick

I am a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I began my career in the Creative Arts in 1994. I have served as Communications Director, Creative Director, Chief Creative Officer, and Gallery Director at various agencies and organizations.



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